Tag Archive for: management development

SHRC Limited: Associate Trainer Panel
SHRC Limited are now seeking applications from suitably qualified trainers who wish to be considered to join our panel of trainers.

Winter sale from HMI
In the spirit of Christmas giving, HMI would like to offer you…

Discounts for Autumn/Winter courses
Our Training and Development open programmes for Autumn/Winter.

HMI training schedule for 2014
HMI training schedule for spring/summer 2014

Reminder – HMI Autumn Training Schedule
The dates for our Autumn training programmes are listed. You will see that our very popular course Management Skills is listed along with some new training initiatives.

Special offer reminder
This is just a gentle reminder that the special offer on our Autumn training programmes will finish on 2 August, 2013.

HMI Upcoming Training Programmes
Here at HMI we are planning ahead for Autumn/Winter 2013. Our scheduled dates for programmes are listed below. Along with some firm favourites, we are delighted to introduce our new one-day programme Building Resilience.

Upcoming HMI training programmes
January, the time of new starts and new challenges. Is 2013 to…

Upcoming Training Programmes
September sees the commencement of our extensive schedule of open programmes ranging from our highly innovative Core Skills of Management programme (16 days) to our ever popular Certificate in Management Skills course (3 days) and includes our essential People Handling Instructors Course (9 days)!