Photos from West Region Forum for Managers 25 January
Location: The Eyre Suite, Clayton Hotel, Ballybrit, Galway
Speaker: Dr Ambrose McLoughlin, BDS, MBA, Secretary General Department of Health and Chairman of the HSE Board, Brian O’Donnell, CEO, National Federation of Voluntary Bodies
Title: Managing Health & Personal Social Services in Challenging Times
The audience gathered at the latest in the Forum for Managers meeting, held in Galway, warmly welcomed both Dr. Ambrose McLoughlin, Secretary General, Department of Health and Brian O’Donnell, CEO, National Federation of Voluntary Bodies. The meeting which took place in the Clayton Hotel, on 25th January, was opened by Adrian Ahern, Chair of HMI West Region.
Future Health: A Strategic Framework for Reform of the Health Service 2012-2015 was the title of the presentation given by Dr. McLoughlin. He gave a very informative and comprehensive account of the future of healthcare provision in Ireland as published by the Minister for Health on the 15th November 2012. What the Department wants to achieve, timelines and the key actions required were all outlined and discussed in detail.
Brian O’Donnell, gave an account of the Value for Money & Policy Review of the Disability Services. This review set out to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the disability services in Ireland, he explained. Mr. O’Donnell went on to outline key findings of the Steering Committee of the review and their findings.
Both speakers took part in the question and answer session which followed.
- Download the Breaking the Mould in Service Delivery & Performance presentation.
- Download the Value for Money and Policy Review of the Disability Sector in Ireland presentation.

Adrian Ahern, Chair West Regional Committee, Breda Crehan-Roche, CEO, Ability West, Brian O’Donnell, CEO, National Federation of Voluntary Bodies, Dr Ambrose McLoughlin, Secretary General Department of Health

Seamus Gallagher, Home Instead Senior Care, Tom Daly, HSE, Manorhamilton, Helen O’Dwyer, GSK, Dr Ambrose McLoughlin, Secretary General Department of Health, Breda Crehan-Roche, CEO, Ability West, Brian O’Donnell, CEO, National Federation of Voluntary Bodies, Sandra Doyle, GSK, Adrian Ahern, Chair West Regional Committee, Conor Hannaway, HMI Council