Photo from DML Meeting 26 November 2012
Location: Dublin Dental University Hospital
Speaker: Lis Nixon, Director of Performance Improvement in Unscheduled Care in the Special Delivery Unit
Title: Presentation for the Special Delivery Unit – Performance Improvement
Emergency Departments, inpatient waiting times, outpatient waiting times, were the areas the Special Delivery Unit concentrated on when it was set up in September 2011. Lis Nixon went on to identify key access targets expressed at that time. Transformation in healthcare requires a number of values, which include being patient centred, being accountable, being information rich, being professionally led and also being quality based. Strong teams with a nurse lead, a medical lead and a managerial lead is key to professional delivery. She went on to identify regular communication, accountability, patient clinical champions and visible senior executive support as also being critical factors in achieving sustainable change. Her presentation concluded with a question and answer session from those present. Read a full review in November 2012 Health Manager article ‘The Special Delivery Unit – Performance Improvement‘.

Ms. Lis Nixon with Ms. Pat O’Boyle, Chair, HMI Dublin/North Leinster Regional Committee