Photos from DML Meeting 19 November 2012
Location: Dublin Dental University Hospital
Speaker: Dr Aine Carroll, National Director, Clinical Strategy and Programmes
Title: The future of National Clinical Programmes
A large attendance gathered to listen to Dr Aine Carroll, National Director, Clinical Strategy and Programmes, deliver her presentation to the DML Regional meeting on 19 November. Her presentation focused on the future of National Clinical Programmes. Dr Carroll outlined the both reasons for and the rules regarding transformation. The success of the programmes to date can be seen in the achievements recorded so far. The evening finished with questions from the floor.

Martina Dempsey, Acting Managing Director, GSK, Dr Aine Carroll, National Director, Clinical Strategy and Programmes, Pat O’Boyle, CEO, Dublin Dental University Hospital and Sandra Doyle, Healthcare Partnership Manager, GSK

Geraldine Regan, Deputy CE/ Director of Nursing, Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital and Valerie Twomey, Programme Manager – Brain Injury Programme, National Rehabilitation Hospital.