The 26th Congress of the EAHM

EAHM 26th Congress Bologna 2016
The 26th Congress of the EAHM will take place in Bologna, Italy, in October.
There are ever increasing demands facing European healthcare systems: new pathologies, longer life expectancy and a rise in chronic diseases alongside heighten public expectations in an increasingly regulated environment. In parallel, there are exciting new health technologies and advancements in diagnostics which may result in better quality of care and improved health outcomes but come at a financial cost at a time of reduced public finances and decreasing hospital budgets.
Patients are better informed of their rights and treatments available and rightly demand timely access to a quality service in what is now evolving into a global healthcare system.
It is this gap between the health systems ‘inputs’ and ‘outcomes’ that hospital management have to bridge – that is our responsibility. We can confidently predict that the demands on and for healthcare will only continue to increase, the gap will widen and the challenges will grow if left unchecked. This requires appropriate solutions both now and in the future to prevent a crash of our health systems and to guarantee sustainability. This challenging responsibility for hospital management demands competence and leadership to expertly steer internal processes efficiently and effectively.
During the 26th EAHM congress, jointly organized with ANMDO national congress, we invite experts, highly renowned speakers as well as experienced colleagues to share their knowledge of the science and skills required to achieve this stability. Through such expert collaboration and shared learning we can articulate the required competencies to contribute to a sustainable health care system and convince our politicians and stakeholders, that public financing of healthcare is not purely a question of cost but also an undeniable investment in the future welfare of people.